Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Rainforest Film Festival 15 (13.01.08)

It's amazing what goes on without being aware of it - as film buffs we should have known about this festival some years
back but only accidentally found it this year. Going back to early October has left me with a rather diminished memory
of the only two films seen.
A pink Japanese film about a young man trying to save his uncle from the king of Hell. Some Japanese fantasy previously
has been either very impressive or charming but this was rather poor which is a delicate way of saying it was bad.
An Argentinian film providing a mix of expressionism and modern Gothic which is probably a political allegory. The
silence added to the oddness of the film and this, coupled with several striking images led to a generally favourably
I might as well comment on your hat trick of film reviews. The Japanese pinku was indeed pathetic, but 'La Antena'
is one that I would quite like to see again, although I suspect it will never surface again in the UK, not even on DVD, rather
like 'Wind with the Gone' which we saw many years ago.
Pat Evans

1 comment:

Prettypink said...

How wrong I was about La Antena!