Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Frightfest: Saturday 29 August 2015

Bait.    Two friends tire of working in the local market selling snacks and look forward to owning and
running their own cafe.   When the opportunity arrives, they are lent money by a man who seems
friendly but is actually the local loan shark.   Even though they actually do not take the money, he
insists that they owe him for his time and the debt escalates as does his treatment of both of them which ranges from rape to beatings until they turn on him and have their revenge.   A nasty little
film but well made.
Frankenstein.   Created by a married couple of scientists, Adam is the modern version of the
creation of Frankenstein who breaks out of the laboratory and, understandably, has no moral control.
However, something is wrong with his makeup and he breaks out in facial lesions with only a black
tramp befriending him (an unusual role for Tony Todd).   Interesting concept but flawed.
Some Kind of Hate.   A put-upon teenager finally reacts to the bullies but a little too violently so
he is sent to a reformatory in the desert.   He is harassed here as well but accidentally summons the
spirit of a girl who had committed suicide there.   She takes revenge on his tormentors for him.
Rabid Dogs.   Basically a noir rather than horror, it tells of a bank robbery gone wrong (as they
all seem to do in films) which leads to the crooks kidnapping a quiet man taking his daughter to
hospital for a kidney transplant.   Promised his freedom in time to get her to hospital, he has no
option but to go along with their plans.   They subsequently kill the husband of a newly-wed
couple taking the wife with them but then find themselves caught up in a local festival which they
have to endure.   Finally, they reach their intended destination on a river where the crooks have
arranged a get-away boat but.... the quiet man is not the milksop he has seemed to be and the
daughter is not his.   Stunning twist in the concluding minutes.  Brilliant performance by Lambert
Wilson, excellent one by Francois Arnaud as the lead crook and a what am I doing here one by
Virginie Ledoyen as the widowed bride (not her fault as the part was seriously underwritten.

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