Sunday, October 16, 2011

Frightfest 2011: Day 2 (26.08.2011)

Rogue River: A girl drives out to the middle of a forested countryside to scatter her father's ashes. Her car is twoed away by the local police and she is befriended by a local man who offers to drive her to a hotel after stopping at his house to tell his
wife. The latter insists she stays with them which she does only to find she has really been taken captive. As the film progresses, so does the violence though the resourceful heroine does eventually prevail. Not bad.
A Horrible Way To Die: Trying to start a new life after finding her boyfriend was a psychopathic killer, Sarah's life is turned to one of fear when he escapes from prison and comes after her. She then finds that the man who has become her mentor at the local AA branch is a fan of the killer which puts her life in double danger but she finally saves herself.A fair idea which is rather spoiled by its execution.
Urban Explorers: an illegal visit to the tunnels under Berlin turns into a nightmare for the four tourists who take it in what is an interestingly plotted film reasonly done.
The Glass Man: James Cosmo hires a man who has been fired but who continues to behave as if still working to help him kill
someone which he agree to do. A number of twists and turns create an increasingly surreal situation in which the unemployed man loses sight of reality. So-so
Tucker and Dale vs Evil: a reversal of the usually expected characteristion with the hillbillies being the good guys and the city
folks the baddies, sort of. Amusingly told and well put together with some delightful touches.

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