Saturday, December 12, 2009

Giuttari, Michele: A Florentine Death

The main character is head of the Squadra Mobile of Florence, a position held by the author who describes Michele Ferrara as the person he would like to be but is not. A series of clueless killings in and around Fl;orence of homosexuals produces no
leads despite the police's efforts. Parallel to the investigation is the story of a beautiful art student who has been befriended by an American journalist who sees in her the face from a Renaissance painting: she moves in to his house but it is some time before anything sexual happens and then at her initiation. She has had a passionate lesbian relationship with a friend since her early teens and is trying to work out what she wants but, before this is resolved, she realises that her male lover is not an
American journalist but an impostor. This results in her death and then that of her female friend. This breaks the case open
and the killer is discovered. Well written with credible characters and a believable plot which is revealed piece by piece as it is worked out by the police; no effort is made to hide the felse turns along the way which adds to the credibility.

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